Open the World with Open Source

Workshop Organised by the Monash Business Analytics Team (WOMBAT)

Tutorial PM 3: Oct 22 1:30-5:00

Creating effective data plots

Presenter: Dianne Cook is a Professor of Statistics at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. She is a world leader in data visualisation, especially the visualisation of high-dimensional data using tours with low-dimensional projections, and projection pursuit. She is currently focusing on bridging the gap between exploratory graphics and statistical inference. Di is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, past editor of the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, current editor of the R Journal, elected Board Member of the R Foundation, and elected member of the International Statistical Institute.

Tutorial details

Background: Participants should have a working knowledge of R, and tidyverse, and some experience with ggplot2. Familiarity with the material in R4DS is helpful.

Register for this tutorial here.