Open the World with Open Source

Workshop Organised by the Monash Business Analytics Team (WOMBAT)

Tutorial AM 2: Oct 22 9:00-12:30

R for Excel users

Presenter: Pao Corrales has a PhD in atmospheric sciences from the University of Buenos Aires. She works in atmospheric sciences applying data assimilation techniques to improve short-term forecasts of severe events in Argentina and currently at Monash University exploring extremes in climate and weather in Australia. She is a trainer and instructor for The Carpentries and an RStudio certified instructor. She is also part of Expedition Science, an Argentina-based NPO, where she leads educational projects such as science camps and workshops for students and K-12 science teachers. Pao is a professor at the Data Sciences degree at Austral University and develops openly licensed materials to teach and learn R from scratch.

Tutorial details

Background: This course is intended for people who use spreadsheets for data manipulation and would like to learn how to work with R. Therefore its starts from the beginning: why use R? and where to start?

Register for this tutorial here.